Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Kiddos, Part One: Kate Elizabeth

I've been pretty brain dead lately, so I've come up with a series to help me keep posting regularly that doesn't require me to come up with witty sayings or have a fun life to draw from for writing material. :-D

I'm gonna write about my kids. Shocking, I know. But it's gonna be fun, so you should stick around.

First, we start with a boy and girl who fell in love and got married.  They honeymooned in Hawaii.

Three months later, the girl was pregnant, with a little girl of her own.

Kate Elizabeth is my oldest child, a girl (obviously) and half tomboy half drama queen.

She was born on St. Patrick's Day! All the doctors and nurses (weird, I just spelled it nerses. Somebody help me.) said I should name her Erin or Ireland or something else Irish. But we'd had her name picked out for 20+ weeks, and Kate Elizabeth she was.

I was overdue, except I didn't know it because every time I went in the nurses told me a different due date.  So I never was quite certain when this child was supposed to be born.  I don't remember being uncomfortable at the end, just very sick.  I went out with two of my friends for Thai food to celebrate a birthday, and later that night contractions started.  I knew what they were right away.  They were low, cramping, sharp pains.  I timed them for a long while, took a bath and tried to get some rest.  In the morning, as the contractions continued, Josh and I decided to go walk around Target to see if they would get closer together.  But just walking outside to the car had me doubled over in pain so we decided to just head to the hospital.

When we got there I was checked in and found to be at 3cm.  I don't remember how effaced I was.  They admitted me and I started walking the halls.  During the contractions I would do deep knee bends/squats, in hopes of helping the baby descend.  It was excruciating, but I wanted to get my baby out!  I labored all day and by that evening I was exhausted.  I no longer walked the halls and did squats. I just laid in bed and tried to get through the contractions without crying.  My friend and sister were there with me, (and so was Josh, duh) but I just zoned out.  Around 11pm the doc came to check me and I was STILL only 3cm. :-O  I couldn't believe it.  I think I must have been effacing, but the doctor had a horrible bedside manner and basically just ripped his gloves off, curtly told me I was 3cm and left the room.

Up to this point I'd wanted to give birth without an epidural, but hearing that after 22 hours I was still only 3 was just too much.  I was tired, very tired.  So I got an epidural.  Not long after I felt tremendous pressure and the nurse came to check me and I was 8!  She said she thought that might happen; that I was too tense and stressed so my body wasn't working very efficiently.  Anyway, after just a bit longer it was time to push!

I required an episiotomy and without going into too much detail, let's just say it was quite substantial.  I will never forget hearing the scissors cut and cut and cut. Bleh. ::shudder::  In any case, after pushing for I don't know how long (I really can't remember) Miss Kate was born!!

She was a wee lass at only 6 pounds 15 ounces.  And it was love at first sight.
 (Look! Josh has hair!!)
She was so sweet and precious, the love of our life.  I was very sick with her when I was pregnant, had morning sickness the whole 9 months, only gained 12 pounds and had to quit working.  But she was worth it.  =)

I remember when she would wake up at night to nurse being SO EXCITED just to see her tiny face again.  

I had so much fun with her, dressing her up in all the cute baby girl clothes.  It took a while for us (as in, me and her) to realize she had her days and nights mixed up, but once we figured it out we were great.

When Kate was just 3 months old, I found out I was pregnant again.  I had a miscarriage, and then my body wanted to show off so I got pregnant AGAIN.  So quickly after the miscarriage that the doctor was convinced I just had leftover hormones.  Until she saw my HCG numbers.  Yup, I was pregnant.  Kate and Christian are only 14 months apart.
Look how young we are! Except, we aren't THAT young. I was 26 and Josh was 25. And I was about 6 months pregnant.
This beautiful girl with Kate is her cousin, Alexandria. 
Look how healthy she is, chowing down on that bag of carrots! :-P
Her first bike! Look at the sheer excitement on her face.
And this is about 20 seconds later.  Bikes can be dangerous. And scary.  Good thing she was wearing her helmet!
She lost her very first tooth! And the tooth fairy did remember to come.  For the record.

That's our beautiful Kate.  She's spunky, sassy, 5 going on 16 and we love her.  I just pray I get wisdom and grace to know how to raise her without crushing her spirit, but at the same time instilling SOME respect in the girl. ;-)
Part 2 to come soon... Christian Michael

Apparently, I let the pictures do the talking.  When I have more of a brain I'll elaborate on the kids' personalities and who they are as individuals.  For now, just enjoy the cute factor. :-D


Tereza said...

How time flies! I remember when you just had her. Ages ago it seems. Before we offically met I used to think "who is that girl with the big blue eyes?"

That side photo of Kate~you can see your husbands family in her:)

Liz said...

I LOVE this! How could I have forgotten how she was as a baby and toddler??? So many good memories and it's so cool to look back and see the girl she is now in the baby she was. I approve of this story line;)