Friday, November 4, 2011

Genius Idea

Have you guys heard of Pinterest? It's an amazing site; although it can be QUITE addicting. *ahem*

Anyway, these past few days I really haven't felt well at all, so I've been perusing Pinterest. I think I've pinned probably 15 recipes. At least.  And lots of other things.

One of the things that caught my eye totally made me go, "DOH!", smack my forehead and wonder why I never thought of it myself!!!

Self Serve Snack Stations. 

I made one for the fridge and one for the cupboard.

For the fridge I put cheese sticks, baggies of grapes, baggies of sliced apples and tubs of peanut butter in a tupperware and set the whole thing on the bottom shelf where everyone can reach it. For the cupboard I have granola bars, baggies of pretzels, animal crackers and Cheez-Its.
Now when the kids say they are hungry, I can direct them to either of these tubs!  My only concern is that they are going to eat it all up in one day. ;-)  So I'll have to monitor that, but I must say I'm excited to try it out!


Tereza said...

great idea!!!:)

Sherah said...

I love that idea - my pantry is kind of like that, lol, I make sure all the novelty "good" items are out of reach. My rule that has worked pretty well is that they can pick ONE thing for snack time - be it pretzels, tortilla chips, cheesesticks, bologna (lol), etc. They are only allowed to have one per day and I can't believe they actually stick to it! Wonder how long that'll last...! Probably when they become teenagers I won't be able to say just one, but for now - for the most part - if they are hungry it is because they didn't want to eat the meal I made for them.

Um...I think I'm not making very much sense but oh well. I love pinterest sooooooooooooo much and have spent many an almost-ready-to-give-birth mandatory laying down time, surfing pinterest. Fun times!!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Love Pinterest, but it is SO addicting!!

Ruth said...

I *have* heard of Pinterest, and visited it -- very quickly -- just once. It looked soooo fun! And therein lies the problem. I've heard that it can be super-duper addicting, so I'm a little afraid to trust myself arouund its amazingness...

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Stopping in to say hey!! Hope your week is going well!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Oh, two more things :). I laughed when I got your comment about the kiddos thinking the "undies" picture was so funny...cause our kids thought it was hilarious too :). And how are you feeling these days, mama???