Friday, July 22, 2011

Love Story

I don't remember exactly when we met.  It was about 3.5 years ago, or so I guess.

Our attraction was instant and undeniable.  Love at first sight.  We couldn't get enough of each other.  And we still can't.

Some would call our relationship "unhealthy".  To be so completely, utterly, hopelessly devoted... that can't be good, right?  Don't you want to see what else is out there? Why limit yourself so soon? So completely?

But when you know it's right, it's right. Sometimes you really do just know.

Throughout the past 3.5 years we've met many times over.  We've spent lots of quality time together.  Late at night, while watching a good movie or tv show.  During times of stress.  During times of celebration.

A match made in heaven.

Is there anything better than chocolate and peanut butter?? I think not.  And that, my friends, is my love story.
**This post brought to you courtesy of insomnia and an insatiable need for chocolate.**

You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weekend at the lake

A few weekends ago the kids and I, along with my sister and her daughter went to a cabin on a lake.  It was SO nice!

Josh was at a youth retreat and instead of sitting at home twiddling my thumbs, I was enjoying this view:

Not too shabby, huh!? It was soooo gorgeous when we arrived and I immediately fell in love with the little cabin.  It only has 2 rooms, but plenty of sleeping space for all of us.  It had a fireplace, open floor plan and little swinging chair hanging from the ceiling that was the highlight of the trip. ;-)
The morning after we got there the kids woke up bright and early, so what did we do? Had a rousing game of Hi-Ho Cherry-Oh, of course!! Christian was a little grumpy because his cherries kept rolling off his tree. :-D
We worked up an appetite after our game, so we had breakfast at the bar... And it's SO MUCH MORE FUN to eat at a bar than at the table, don't you know!?
Here's my Owen Boy. 
Isn't he sweet!  Although, these days more often than not, THIS is what he looks like:
Ha ha ha, this guy cracks me up!! He's totally into the exaggerated wink/head tilt.  The other day he was helping Josh mow the lawn while Liz and I sat on the porch and watched.  We waved "hi" as they walked by and Owen gave us a sly wink. ;-)  Hee hee!!

There was a dock that the kiddos loved to look at. They threw bread to the seagulls while I had minor heart attacks about them being so close to the water, even though they were wearing life jackets.  Later on I went down and looked for myself and the water was only about 2 feet deep for about 5 feet out into the lake, and then it dropped off.  So even if they would've fallen in they could just stand up and the water would come to their waist; or to Kate's knees, LOL!!! 
As you can see it was really foggy/rainy/cold the second day but the kids didn't mind one bit.  They were out looking at the seagulls, running laps around the house and playing tag.  It was great!
We even had a cleaning crew!
Christian was very meticulous and washed a whole sink full of dishes by hand.  So sweet. =)
Sunday of that weekend was Father's Day and Josh came up to join us. =) 

All in all it was a lovely weekend and we can't wait to go back!