I know, I know. Fabulousness isn't a word. But does anyone really care? I didn't think so.
The other day Christian was discussing what he wanted me to pack in his lunch, when he goes to "all day school". This will be happening in 2 years, but it's good to be prepared, right!? He decided he wants a sandwich, a pickle, some chips and a chocolate chip scone. :-D That's my boy!
Owen was telling me about his dog, whom he's named "Fraco"... I don't know where he came up with that name, or even if I'm understanding him correctly. I do know, because Owen explained in no uncertain terms, that his dog is fake and doesn't pee. Good to know.
I could do with this:
Doesn't that just look so happy and peaceful!? Ah, yes please!!
We're going to our church conference center this weekend, and the boys were so excited to pack their stuff. Christian announced he was all packed, and proved it:
The little blurry blue thing on top of the monkey are his swimming goggles. Dream on, boy. It's currently 45 degrees. ;-)
And here is Owen's pile of stuff.
There's Fraco and the sticker on his backpack is "his note to remind him to take his stuff". ;-)
Kate was at school while the boys packed, so she doesn't have a pile yet. But she's working on it.
She has also started calling her doll (whom, if you remember was originally named Juliette, but Kate couldn't remember that name so she called her Christina instead)... Rosie. So Juliette AKA Christina AKA Rosie will be joining us this weekend. Usually *I* get stuck with the babysitting. For real. Every day when Kate leaves for school she asks me to watch Juliette/Christina/Rosie.
Next Friday I'll be in Arizona. Did I mention it'll be 87 degrees with 0 humidity? I can't wait.
My good friend will be accompanying me on the trip. It was a last minute decision. I had my ticket purchased and jokingly asked if she wanted to come. Turns out 29 consecutive days of rain was driving her mad, so she jumped at the chance. So we started working out the flight info, trying to get on the same flight. My flight was sold out (well, the cheap tickets were) so she got an earlier flight. As in, leaves at 6a.m. early. Then we decided I should just join her on that flight. So I changed my ticket.
Then she went back in to buy hers (we were on the phone, trying to do it at the same time) and she noticed there was a seat open on the 8:10 flight (the one I'd just changed from). Turns out, it was MY seat. Cuz she bought it, then I went back in to get on the later flight and couldn't. Unless I wanted to spend another $140, which I don't.
So somehow *I* ended up on the much earlier flight (meaning I have to be at the airport at 4:30a.m. instead of 6:30a.m.) and I had to pay an extra $40 while she got the later flight and the cheaper price. Hmmmm. :-p
So my husband is going to call and see if he can finagle them into letting me get on the later flight at the cheaper price (since that was my original ticket). Did I mention I love that man? I do.
My neighbors down the street just recently started taking down their Christmas decorations. Up to this point they were still spreading Christmas cheer, complete with candy canes leading up to their door, lights on the roof and a big wreath over the garage. The wreath is gone, the candy canes are gone and half the lights are gone. The other half of the lights are still lit up like, well, like a Christmas tree.
I love Twix. Love. Them.
The other day as I was making dinner, Kate wandered into the kitchen and nonchalantly asked me, "Mom, how do you know if it's water or wodka?" I was like, "Say what!?" She said, "How do you know if it's wodka? Cuz it looks like water." Wow. I don't even know when I've said the word "Vodka". Mimosa? Yes. Mike's Hard Lemonade? Yes. Wine? Yes. Vodka? Not that I can remember. I told her she didn't need to worry about it because we (the children and I) don't drink "wodka". Daddy sometimes has wodka and cranberry juice, but usually the kids are in bed by the time he makes his drink. Usually. Apparently not always.
Vodka. It's what's for dinner. |
A friend of mine recently built a chicken coop and has a dozen teenage chickens. I am super jealous. I want chickens and a coop and fresh eggs!!
I also want a baby goat. For real!! Look how cute they are!
Dear People Who Work At Google: If I search for "baby goat" in images, please don't post pictures of dead, skinned baby goats. It's traumatic. Thank you. It's also NOT fabulous and doesn't go with my Friday Fabulousness theme.
I need to get my rear in gear and finish my housework and packing for this weekend. Look! They even have a logo for that!
Amazing what you can find on the internet these days. But for now, I'll leave you with this:
Tee Hee :-D