Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I wonder...

*do animals get morning sickness? I've never seen them stumbling around yakking up their food, or anxiously trying to find the clover they are craving.  Do they get cravings??

*The shortest gestation period is 13 days, for some kind of opossum.  The longest is almost 2 YEARS!!! Poor African elephants have to be pregnant for a short eternity!

*I can not figure out if I want a boy or girl more.  This is a good problem, no? :)

*I am stumped on girl names.  So any and all suggestions are welcome! The only caveat is that the meaning has to be something nice, good or positive. 

*Baby movement is probably one of the most amazing feelings ever.

*Is it wrong that I want to spend my Christmas money on baby stuff???

*I have never been involved in a food fight.

*My right eye has been twitching for 3 days and is still going strong.

*I am addicted to Pinterest and have SO MANY inspirational pictures pinned.  I can't wait to start implementing some of them in my home.

*Josh gets to take off the week between Christmas and New Years and I'm hoping to rope him into doing some of my Pinterest projects. :-D

*I love the cartoon Arthur. I may or may not be caught watching it all by myself.

*I can drink coffee again!!!!!!!!!!!!

*I need to start using my new camera more.  And I need to find the cord so I can download pics to the computer.

*The kids are starting to mutiny, so I best go referee.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Catch Up

Its been a while since I've posted here.  I blog much more regularly on my other blog.

The Skinny Turtle

It used to be my weight loss blog, but now it's turned into my pregnancy blog. ;-)

In other news, here's a glimpse of what's been going on around here.

*Josh has been Super Dad/Husband and has picked up soooo much of my slack since I've been pregnant and sick. That man deserves a medal, a long vacation and a beer.

*Owen melts my heart.  Every day when we drop Kate off at school he asks me to open his window so he can yell out, "Bye, Love!" to her.

*All 3 kids are trying to figure out what we should name the new baby. Mostly it's names of kids they go to school with.  We have a boy name picked out for sure (Josh and I do, that is) but we're still working on a girl name.

*I am starting to look pregnant, even though I'm only 14 weeks.  I'll have Josh or my sister take a picture and I'll post it soon.

*I have NO IDEA how or when I'm going to finish my Christmas shopping.

*I discovered a new, "healthy-ish" scone recipe and it's super good.  I'll post the recipe soon.

*My brother is getting married next month and I have nothing to wear.  I'm afraid to buy something now in case I totally balloon up in the next 4 weeks.

*My aversion to coffee that came along with this pregnancy is FINALLY starting to abate.  I got an iced coffee from my fave coffee joint today and it was DELICIOUS.

*I miss my friends.  I basically have to do next to nothing in order to stay out of the hospital and off IV fluids.  I got to hang out with Jen last week (??) but haven't seen hardly anyone for SO long. 

*I am so super excited for Jan 19th when I find out what we're having!! Then the shopping will begin! Since it's been so long since I had a baby I got rid of all my baby stuff, so as far as clothes go I get to buy new stuff! :-D

*I also get to get a new stroller, which I am unreasonably excited about! I am addicted to strollers!

*I'm going to try to go all natural this time.  This will most likely be my last baby, and I want to have the natural experience at least once. I had epidurals with all of my other 3.  I've bought a HypnoBabies course to help me prepare and I'm excited!!

*Josh doesn't think I can do it and still had me find out how much epidurals cost and what our portion will be. :-P

*This pregnancy is starting to go by a bit faster.  In the beginning it was d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g but now I'm busy with other things, and I can feel the baby moving so much, that the time is going faster.  Plus, it'll be Christmas, then my Ultrasound, then my brother's wedding, and probably Christian's eye surgery so I have lots of things to look forward to and keep me occupied.

*3 of my sister-in-laws are pregnant too! We're all due within 3 months of each other, too.

*I had a dream that my 4th sister in law (that's YOU, Jen!!) got pregnant too. ;-D

*I love Arthur.  My kids are all sitting quietly, totally enraptured with the episode where DW gets ear tubes.  I asked the kids if we should name OUR baby Dora Winifred and they all yelled, "NO MOM!!" :)

*I'll try to post here more regularly!