Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Catch Up

Its been a while since I've posted here.  I blog much more regularly on my other blog.

The Skinny Turtle

It used to be my weight loss blog, but now it's turned into my pregnancy blog. ;-)

In other news, here's a glimpse of what's been going on around here.

*Josh has been Super Dad/Husband and has picked up soooo much of my slack since I've been pregnant and sick. That man deserves a medal, a long vacation and a beer.

*Owen melts my heart.  Every day when we drop Kate off at school he asks me to open his window so he can yell out, "Bye, Love!" to her.

*All 3 kids are trying to figure out what we should name the new baby. Mostly it's names of kids they go to school with.  We have a boy name picked out for sure (Josh and I do, that is) but we're still working on a girl name.

*I am starting to look pregnant, even though I'm only 14 weeks.  I'll have Josh or my sister take a picture and I'll post it soon.

*I have NO IDEA how or when I'm going to finish my Christmas shopping.

*I discovered a new, "healthy-ish" scone recipe and it's super good.  I'll post the recipe soon.

*My brother is getting married next month and I have nothing to wear.  I'm afraid to buy something now in case I totally balloon up in the next 4 weeks.

*My aversion to coffee that came along with this pregnancy is FINALLY starting to abate.  I got an iced coffee from my fave coffee joint today and it was DELICIOUS.

*I miss my friends.  I basically have to do next to nothing in order to stay out of the hospital and off IV fluids.  I got to hang out with Jen last week (??) but haven't seen hardly anyone for SO long. 

*I am so super excited for Jan 19th when I find out what we're having!! Then the shopping will begin! Since it's been so long since I had a baby I got rid of all my baby stuff, so as far as clothes go I get to buy new stuff! :-D

*I also get to get a new stroller, which I am unreasonably excited about! I am addicted to strollers!

*I'm going to try to go all natural this time.  This will most likely be my last baby, and I want to have the natural experience at least once. I had epidurals with all of my other 3.  I've bought a HypnoBabies course to help me prepare and I'm excited!!

*Josh doesn't think I can do it and still had me find out how much epidurals cost and what our portion will be. :-P

*This pregnancy is starting to go by a bit faster.  In the beginning it was d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g but now I'm busy with other things, and I can feel the baby moving so much, that the time is going faster.  Plus, it'll be Christmas, then my Ultrasound, then my brother's wedding, and probably Christian's eye surgery so I have lots of things to look forward to and keep me occupied.

*3 of my sister-in-laws are pregnant too! We're all due within 3 months of each other, too.

*I had a dream that my 4th sister in law (that's YOU, Jen!!) got pregnant too. ;-D

*I love Arthur.  My kids are all sitting quietly, totally enraptured with the episode where DW gets ear tubes.  I asked the kids if we should name OUR baby Dora Winifred and they all yelled, "NO MOM!!" :)

*I'll try to post here more regularly!


Sherah said...

I'm super excited that you're going to be trying a natural birth!!! I found that, after having 5 epidurals and then my first natural birth - it was scary and hard BUT afterwards I marveled at the difference in how I FELT!!! Even Bret continues to rave to people about the difference even just in how I look even hours after having the baby. It's very cool to feel that great, especially because you feel euphoric and like shouting to the rooftops IT'S OVER AND MY BABY IS HERE!!!!

I have a book that you should read, seriously, it changed my ENTIRE view of natural birth. It went from this scary kind of unknown thing to something I was very confident in. I didn't read it before my 1st natural birth and I really wish I had. The knowledge and peace I got from reading that book made me totally able and confident to deliver Harmony myself, in the car. =) If you want to read it just lmk, I bought a brand new copy for myself with this baby and was going to sell it on Amazon but would love to loan it to you! It's called something Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin. **love*** it!!

Christmas shopping...1 word...AMAZON!!! If you go to Amazon Mom and buy I think $25 or more of baby items you get (I think) 3 months of free 2-day shipping. Woohoo! I have spent the last 6 weeks laying in bed surfing slickdeals.net where people post their awesome deals, many of them on Amazon. Can't really beat 2-day shipping, esp this close to Christmas. 95% of my shopping has been shipped to my door, yay!

Sherah said...

PS I forgot to mention also www.hip2save.com - Judith and I both stalk that one regularly. In any given day esp in December I've been know to click the refresh button probably 50x, lol! She posts some seriously AWESOME online deals from all over, and many of them are free shipping. =)

Ruth said...

I drank soooo much iced coffee when I was pregnant! I always get morning sickness really bad, and hot coffee was just *yuck* to my belly. But I couldn't bear the thought of giving up my addiction, so I drank my coffee iced, with lots of cream and sugar.

That's fun that you and your sil's get to be pregnant and have babies together! I always loved that, being pregnant at the same time as someone else. It's fun to swap all the gross and hilarious pregnant stories!