Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You might be pregnant if...

*You debate whether it really bothers you that much that (insert sock, paper, toy, etc) is laying on the floor, and whether it's worth the extra work to bend down and pick it up.

*You can be found sitting on the couch with a tiny pink onesie thrown over your shoulder, absent-mindedly patting the back and imagining the sweet baby girl that will soon be wearing it.

*You sometimes drink coffee or eat chocolate just to feel increased wiggles and kicks.

*You get excited that Braxton Hicks are happening already, and hope it means a short, easy labor is in your future.

*You eat approximately 27 small meals a day.

*You enjoy a lively conversation with a group of 70 year old ladies while you all do your pool therapy.

*You're constantly protecting your stomach from the rambunctious little boys in your life.

*Your girls look FABULOUS.  (Sorry, it's true!)

*Shaving your legs requires Herculean efforts.

*It totally made your whole month when Motherhood had an awesome sale on their clearance items.

*You dream about little baby girls with dark hair and blue eyes.

*75% of your day is taken up with trying to figure out the name of that little girl.

*You can't wait for your stroller and carseat to arrive on the UPS truck!

1 comment:

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Oh these bring back some memories!! And you are so right, shaving your legs while pregnant is not an easy task :)!