Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sweet Faces

Thank you so much to everyone for their prayers for my mother-in-law. I believe in the power of prayer!

I've been doing pretty good, for the most part. There are some things that help. Like my kiddos. I don't want to take them for granted, or hurry them to grow up, or be impatient with them when they do things that all kids do. I want to treasure them, and make every day count. They are so sweet; so precious.

Here's my little tomboy... the one who refuses to wear pants. ;-)

And my monkey boy. You should have seen him running and jumping the whole shoot. He has SO MUCH energy!

And my Sunshine. This picture cracks me up! It reminds me of those weird-angle pictures of cats and dogs that make their noses look huge. CHEEEEESE!

I'm so thankful for these sweet faces! It took my precious mother-in-law facing a life threatening brain tumor for my priorities to snap into place. It was just like that; the instant I heard the news it just clicked. So fast. How messed up my priorities had been up to this point. How I've been focusing on the negative instead of the positive.

My Family

I will make today count; I will be good to my children and my husband. I will pray. And I will be thankful and count my blessings.


Nora said...

I love these pictures!! -Nora

divad said...

So perfect!!!! And, skinny Mama!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you had started packing again. Hopefully after this move you will be set for awhile:)