On St. Patrick's Day, my oldest child turned six years old! How did this happen? I have a 6 year old??? Sheesh, it's mind boggling.
We had a family party and then one with her little friends, and it was so much fun!
My sister Sarah baked and decorated the cake with Kate.
Don't mind the mess in the background ;-) |
Liz and the girls, with icing on their noses. =) |
This is Sarah, and her daughter Lilly. Lilly may or may not have taken a spill on our back patio and scraped her eye. Oops. |
We turned our nasty brass "chandelier" into a flower. =)
It was a fun time and Kate got her heart's desire- a baby doll with all the accessories.
Which means mom gets to help put it all together; not my strong suit. :-P Kate decided to name her baby Juliette; except she can't ever remember that so she calls her Christina. True story!
We also had a party with her friends, the following Saturday. The house was decorated and it looked great!
The girls are signing a shirt for another one of their friends who is currently battling cancer and couldn't be at the party.
Kate and I made the cake =) I had no idea those were chocolate covered sunflower seeds, but no one complained! :-D
I'm having a heckuva time posting this; the formatting is all messed up for some reason. So I'm just gonna publish this and say that we love our sweet Kate!!!
happy birthday kate!!!
Ok-I LOVE your blog; it totally cracks me up! The fact that Kate wants her doll to be one name and calls it another, due to lack of memory is sooo hilarious!!
PS You look great, so happy!! :-)
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