Friday, May 6, 2011

Courtesy of Kate

My daughter Kate wants nothing else in the world more than she wants me to have a baby.

Enter Exhibit A:
She drew a picture of Mom, Dad and Oh look! A baby in mommy's tummy! Or pouch or something.  Also, I'd like to state for the record that my head is not that big.  Nor are my legs that skinny.  And I'm not taller than Josh. But my eyelashes ARE that fabulous. ;-)
And now for Exhibit B:

While playing with play-doh one day, she made this.  Me.  Pregnant.  Shocker! Who would've thunk!?  I do think she's pretty creative.  
I would, however, like to state for the record that my stomach isn't that big, and it doesn't usually get that big while I'm pregnant.  But Kate probably just doesn't remember that.

I gotta give her credit; she is not vague. ;-)

Happy Friday!!!

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